Play Designed for All Abilities
Parkreation is a Proud Partner with Unlimited Play
Play is a critical part of physical, emotional, mental and social development for EVERY child.
Especially for children with disabilities, play is therapy – both physical and emotional. On the physical side, children’s muscles need to be exercised just like anyone else’s. And most importantly, on the emotional side, children need to interact and socialize with their peers.
Of course, the benefits of fully accessible playgrounds don’t stop with kids who have challenges. Able-bodied children learn and grow on accessible playgrounds by interacting with others who are in some ways different from them. Accessible playgrounds also allow parents and other adults with disabilities to play with their children – something that’s often not possible on at a traditional playground.
Play is a critical part of physical, emotional, mental and social development for EVERY child.
Especially for children with disabilities, play is therapy – both physical and emotional. On the physical side, children’s muscles need to be exercised just like anyone else’s. And most importantly, on the emotional side, children need to interact and socialize with their peers.
Simply put, kids need to play with other kids. Yet for so many kids with disabilities, their days are spent with parents, doctors, nurses, therapists and other adults. But on fully accessible playgrounds, children with disabilities can swing, slide and climb with their friends – as well as with their siblings and parents – which is literally something they may have never been able to do before.
Of course, the benefits of fully accessible playgrounds don’t stop with kids who have challenges. Able-bodied children learn and grow on accessible playgrounds by interacting with others who are in some ways different from them. Accessible playgrounds also allow parents and other adults with disabilities to play with their children – something that’s often not possible on at a traditional playground.
Every way you look at it, fully accessible playgrounds help break social barriers, and become an environment where everyone learns to respect and understand each other. And those are the kinds of lessons that can last a lifetime.
Often underestimated, playgrounds promote free-play, foster self-determination, spark imagination and get children active for longer periods of time. Additionally, playgrounds give parents and caregivers the opportunities to relax, spend quality time with their children, and connect with other parents.
Playgrounds are an outlet for much needed physical activity among children of all ages. This generation is more sedentary than any generation in history – 24 hour, multiple channel television programming, gaming systems, and the explosion of digital devices are keeping our children from going outside to explore, run, and play.
Alliance for Childhood released a statement saying “free play is the missing link in the antiobesity campaign…exercise and nutrition along won’t turn the tide of fatness.” Childhood obesity experts at Mayo Clinic stresses to “emphasize activity, not exercise” and that a child’s activity does not have to be a structured exercise program – “the object is just to get him or her moving.”
In fact, research supports that children with disabilities are a greatly underserved population when it comes to health programming and intervention. One of the reasons is that most play/exercise places are inaccessible. Unlimited Play’s universal design features goes beyond ADA law. It ensures that people of all abilities can play on a playground.
For quotes and pricing information, please contact Parkreation.
Featured Unlimited Play Project
Round Lake Area Park District is Powering Up!
Unlimited Play is helping us bring Hero Park to the community of Round Lake, IL.
With its extensive scope of accessibility, Hero Park will expand the horizons for all families, serving as a place where empathy and friendship can blossom. We all have heroes in our daily lives, and they come in all shapes and sizes.
Hero Park truly will be a place where everyone is a hero!
Make a donation to help make it happen!
Learn How We Bring Inclusive Play to You !
Training & Workshops
Unlimited Play offers formal trainings, webinars and informational kits addressing our successful models and the challenges we have overcome along the way. We specialize in helping businesses, schools, organizations and any other groups understand the importance of both inclusive play spaces and inclusive play experiences.
Design & Development
Together, we can create your destination playground that will greatly impact your community for generations to come. Our partnership includes assembling a local team to lead the project and outlining the process from start to finish. Unlimited Play has become the expert in inclusive design through first-hand experience of having children with both disabilities and critical illnesses.
Valuable insight has been collected from:
- Children
- Parents of Children with Disabilities
- Veterans
- Therapists
- Play Experts
Community Fundraising
Playground Fundraising for Unlimited Play Playground begins with a local team that mobilizes resources by exploring, identifying and securing project funders in the area. Coordination of special events including Launch, Project Kick-Off, Community Build and Dedication Ceremony are all opportunities to engage and educate the community.

Unlimited Play FAQs
What makes a playground completely inclusive?
Although ADA accessability for wheelchair users has become law in playground design, not every playground is approachable and functional to users with other disabilities. Unlimited Play designs playgrounds that are completely inclusive to all users. This goes far beyond ADA accessibility, creating a safe space for people of all ages and abilities to play together.
Does Unlimited Play cost extra?
Unlimited Play offers their inclusive design services, workshops, and fundraising assistance at no charge to you! We honor our mission to bring inclusive play to communities everywhere. However, due to the size and components required for an Unlimited Play playground, the equipment price is higher than a traditional structure. Unlimited Play are experienced experts that will help you raise the necessary fundraising to bring your project to life!
How did Unlimited Play get started?
Three-year-old Zachary Blakemore provided the original inspiration behind Unlimited Play. Zachary suffers from a rare genetic central nervous system disease (Pelizaeus Merzbacher Disease) that confines him to a wheelchair or assistive walking device. But like all children, Zachary loves to play.
When his mother Natalie would take Zachary to the park to play, the playground would only emphasize his limitations. And even more frustrating was the fact that the playground’s barriers that stopped him from playing also prevented him from interacting with the other children.
But after visiting an accessible playground while traveling to the east coast, Zachary’s parents Natalie and Todd began to dream of creating an accessible playground in Zachary’s hometown – and of the day when playgrounds like this would exist for children everywhere. They teamed with Zachary’s pediatric speech therapist, and Unlimited Play was born in 2003.
Who does Unlimited Play benefit?
Children and Families: Unlimited Play playgrounds are not just designed for children with disabilities and/or life critical illnesses. Every child needs to play and every caregiver needs to experience playing alongside their children.
Unlimited Playgrounds not only allow children with disabilities the right to play, but also parents and caregivers with disabilities, including our Veterans.
Entire Communities: Because Unlimited Play is rooted in a Community Engagement model, people from across the community get involved with the project, many from start to finish. Awareness is spread about the value of accessibility, inclusivity, and the benefits of free play and a healthy and active lifestyle.
Community members such as businesses, governmental organizations, foundations, schools, places of worship, service clubs, and other organizations invest their time and treasure into these playgrounds. Philanthropic gifts yield great reward knowing that tens of thousands of children and families have free access to play for years to come.
Commerce: Research supports that people, organizations and even therapy professionals travel over an hour to experience an Unlimited Play playground. Our destination playgrounds bring commerce to communities as playground guests shop and dine at nearby places.
How do I bring Unlimited Play to my community?
Parkreation and Unlimited Play are excited to help bring your project to life! Reach out to us and we will help you get started.
Contact Us to Get Started!
Illinois Office
1-847-419-7744 |
27 E. Palatine Rd. Prospect Heights, IL 60070